ArticleOil & Gas  Oil and Gas Industry Future Challenges
Senin, 11 April 2016
Oil & Gas
Oil and Gas Industry Future Challenges
by: Expert Trainer
Foto Oil and Gas Industry Future Challenges

The future of oil and gas Industry: are you ready to respond near term changes oil & gas price rebound?

Oil and Gas Industry cyclical Price history

The oil and gas prices are the most watched commodities price. In 2014, the crude oil price was about $ 100 per barrel and continues to fall by less than $ 45 per barrel in April, 2016. The price cyclical has been notified by many experts and professional in the industry. The price changed is influenced by many factors such as supply & demand, growth and slow down of economic, change in political landscape, war, and environment regulation. For instance, in 1960s, the major IOCs held most of the price that they can drive the power in the market high while the buying price to oil states remain low, however with emerging of OPEC power in 1973, the group increasing the price from $ 3.65 per barrel to $ 11.651 per barrel . The complete pricing oil history can be found in BP statistical review, since 1860 price to latest price. This provided indication that the oil price will be rebound after current low price period which need drivers to be involved to the increasing oil price.

The optimistic of the future oil and gas industry

The oil and gas industry is one of the most important industries in world global economic development because the important roles of the oil and gas industry to support other industries and its product touch everyone daily live. For instance, oil and gas consumed by Electrical Oil or Gas Turbine Generator to generate electrical power that distributed to industrial and manufacturing activities to produce various products to support human live such as cosmetic, plastic, transportation etc. Furthermore, demand of the oil and gas industry is driven by two major factors : growth population and increasing of people income. According to BP, 2016 Energy Outlook, By 2035 the world projected population will be 8.8 billion and the same period the GDP growth double more than 2016. This provide positive indicator to the oil and gas industry.

What we need to prepare for the next oil and gas price rebound.

Considering the optimistic of increasing oil and gas price, whether we are professional who work in this industry or we are the decision maker to enhance the oil and gas company competitiveness, the following actions important to be considered before the oil price increase:

  1. Improve the competencies in oil and gas business management.
  2. Revisit the strategic environment and strategic management in oil and gas industry.
  3. Review the legal aspect including contract law, applicable in oil and gas industry contract whether It is internationally, regional or domestic regulation.
  4. Re-fresh the source capital investment, project economic evaluation and financial performance knowledge. This can be originated at Corporate Finance Oil and Gas Industry.
  5. Re-organize the capabilities of business development team in the oil and gas industry.

By conducting above activities, it is expected that employees, executive, decision maker and function of companies and other organisations involved in financial, commercial and contractual activities will be ready to take future growth opportunity when oil and gas price return back to profitable level.

BP. 2016 Energy Outlook.
Global Oil and Gas Industry, 2011 by Inkpen and Moffet.

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Foto Expert Trainer

Expert Trainer

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- Bidding, Evaluation, Negotiation and Contract Award
- Bidding, Evaluation, Negotiation and Contract Award (3 day)
- Business Development and Commercial Contracting Oil and Gas Industry
- Business Process Reengineering
- Commercial and Business Contract
- Contract Risk Management and Compliance
- Corporate Finance in Oil and Gas Industry
- Cost Reduction in Procurement
- Developing Purchasing Policies, Processes and SLAs
- Effective Purchasing, Tendering and Supplier Selection
- Effective Purchasing, Tendering and Supplier Selection (3 day)
- Enterprise Manajemen Resiko Berbasis ISO 31000
- Financial and Accounting Management for Oil and Gas Industry
- Global Oil and Gas Business Management
- International Contracting Management
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Long Term Price Agreement - A Practical Guide
- Managing Vendor Qualification, Performance and Contract Compliance
- Mastering Contracts Management (3 day)
- Mastering Contracts Management
- Mastering Project Management
- Materials and Supply Chain Management
- Mini MBA for Procurement Profesional
- Oil and Gas Contract Law
- Oil and Gas Economic
- Performing a Procurement GAP Analysis
- PMP Exam preparation
- Procurement Best Practices
- Procurement Management Professional
- Project Cost Estimation and Cost Control
- Project Management for Many Industries
- Project Management with Microsoft Project Application
- Strategic Cost and Value Management in the Supply Chain
- Strategic Management Environment, Oil and Gas Industry
- Strategic Operations in Oil and Gas Industry
- Strategic Sourcing: 7 Steps for Better Procurement Value
- Supply Market Analysis
- Tenders and Contract Management
- Warehouse and Stores Management

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